
The new hero of the book world I ‘s foundation, an infusion period of years, then think of the time, they have taken in May 2013. After months of ideas, design, software, and content work at the end of last April 2, 2014, they met their readers.

Besides the books and e-book store has also our cinema and music stores. Their daily lives, their homes, and their Good Things convenience store and add color to their office was a colorful part of the
It bringing mobility to a new idea and not only sales to the world of books, readers have identified and content-oriented line. Here books with satisfactory information, they are introducing rich visuals, we offer a powerful content to readers. This work will be the greatest privilege of the members and visitors.

Because one of the main objectives of which included the Libronet in Turkey to deliver the internet bookselling services and content into a world-class quality. We see our natural partner for this all the actors of the book world. ‘s strength and opportunities to share with their readers this is their greatest happiness.


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