Home Chef: Make a Dinner Special

Home Chef was founded with a simple goal: to provide our customers with a delightful home cooking experience. Our founder, Pat Vihtelic, and his wife found it hard to make time to prepare home cooked dinners after work. Pat discovered that online grocery services only solved part of the problem — he still had to think about what was for dinner, and didn’t have time to comb the internet for recipes. More often than not, he was overwhelmed by the prospect of meal planning, and resorted to takeout.

Our meals cost $9.95 per serving and can be ordered in 2, 4, or 6 serving offerings. Serving sizes satisfy the average adult, and you can order as many different meals as you’d like. We also offer fruit and smoothie add-ons for $4.95, and we sometimes offer premium meals: special occasion meals that cost just a little bit more.


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