Zierstoff is simply sew offers sewing patterns and corresponding eBooks as well as YouTube tutorials. Behind Zierstoff are Ilka, Joanna and Ela.
While Ilka was passionately working in the fashion industry and even completed training for a clothing technology assistant and industrial seamstress at a fashion school, Joanna was working for an international insurance company dealing with Employee Benefits. Two completely different worlds crossed each other about 8 years ago in one of their favourite cities and led to a good friendship throughout all of these years.
Ilka is crazy about fashion, is a sewing genius and Joanna, definitely crazy about fashion, is growing slowly more and more into the world of sewing.
One further important person to mention is Ela, who is a pattern drafter. Making a pattern and grading it requires a high craftsmanship and is a separate occupation. A fateful encounter, lead Ela into our team.
They are mothers and love individual clothing. Ilka and Ela sew with great passion; Joanna has also developed a great passion and is learning more and more about sewing every day.
Ilka and her team have been enjoying great success in Germany, Switzerland, Austria and the BeNeLux countries in the last few years and how exciting would it be to convey their particular delight and fun to the rest of the world out there? That is why they have founded www.zierstoff.com.
They stumble over new ideas every day, which are so easy to do yourself. Eventually they have created the pattern, the eBook and the matching YouTube video. Off you go!