PixartPrinting.es Review

Pixartprinting can be considered in all respects the printing One Stop Shop From business cards to magazines, from posters to fabric flags, from cardboard displays to maxi banners. In one click you can view on the online virtual showcase a complete range of products, capable to satisfy all the printing needs of professional customers. Service includes delivery in 48h, 72h or 5/7 days.

With the constant implementation of new technologies, the wide product catalogue is non-stop enriched with the purpose of answering and, if possible, anticipating customers needs, by offering them the possibility to develop, in turn, their business in new sectors.

Developed by their team of IT engineers, Pixartprinting web site has been designed using the same corporate management software, thus providing amazing benefits to users in terms of flexibility and dynamism. Easy and fast in its consultation, their customers are also facilitated with a practical system guide, which supports all the quotation phases.

Another advantage of the web site is the innovative file upload system that, as well as being very intuitive, provides a useful automated reporting tool, responsible to inform customers, in real time, in case of abnormal order placement procedures and to provide ‘live’ updates related to processing. A traceability system that ensures service reliability, accuracy and transparency.


Visit PixartPrinting.es Now

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