Ayurveda-Shop.ru Review

Ayurvedic store offers products for healing, beauty and rejuvenation of the body, ecoproducts house, meditation and yoga lessons.

In alternative medicine, Ayurveda – a direction, based on the ancient Indian philosophy of unity of matter, spirit, and the universe. The balance between these three components creates a harmony of life, extending the guarantee of health, both physical and spiritual.

Proper diet, a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene, mental and spiritual development, regular physical activity and concern for the environment – all this forms the basis of the “science of life” – Ayurveda.

Online store offers to buy goods Ayurvedic cosmetics and eco-friendly products for healing and strengthening the immune system and maintain the cleanliness of the house. For each unit of production is accompanied by detailed description and instructions for use.

All Ayurvedic products in the online store are certified, made from natural ingredients, allow them to find a comprehensive approach to maintaining health and bring invaluable benefits to the body.

Give the health, youth and beauty for themselves and their loved ones. To make a selection and shopping in our store, please use the convenient directory. More details about the presented products can be found in the relevant descriptions.


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