Felissimo.co.jp Review

The company name “FELISSIMO” is, as the word “FELICITY (bliss)” to the etymology of the Latin, in a new word that combines “SSIMO” is a suffix that represents the emphasis, the “largest happiness of superlative in” meaning to have.

Felissimo, along with people all over the world to share the aspirations, through the co-creation of “both happy to be happy”, they aim to realize a happy society. Felissimo aims and maximize corporate value through a happy society creation, loved by people all over the world are respected, the global leader of happy social value creation.

Felissimo, especially in their own product planning, domestic and international products and services that you select with your own point of view, to sell to consumers in their own media, such as catalogs and web, is a direct marketing company. Life from fashion accessories, handmade kit, beauty-related, such as food and dealing with a wide range of products, its handling score applies even tens of thousands of types per year.

Through these products and services, customers individual, will continue to be nurtured is happy living culture. Felissimo, based on the ongoing and developing relationship with customers, expand the variety of business activities and social and cultural activities, hopes to Joint Creation experience value of “both happy to be happy.”


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