
STYLEPIT is one of Europe’s largest and most eclectic destinations for contemporary fashion. Their mission is to not only to provide an outstanding retail experience, but deliver without compromise the best local and international brands on the market at amazing prices. Our curated collections are assembled to inspire and attire a modern and style hungry audience. STYLEPIT head office is located in Copenhagen, Denmark, but we ship worldwide to more than 20 countries. And since they are exclusively run online, without middlemen or overheads, they pass great deals straight on to their clientele.

STYLEPIT is the evolution of STYLEPIT, one of Denmark’s leading online fashion retailers since 2000. Awarded the title of Growth Gazelle by Danish business daily Børsen for six years in a row, and earning prestigious prices across the board including the Danish e-Commerce Award and European e-Commerce Awards, STYLEPIT is going from strength to strength


Orders are dispatched within 1-3 business days (excluding packing time) from the order placement date and are normally delivered to addresses within 7-10 business days. Exceptions are items indicated as backorder products – they have longer delivery time. All goods are sent by DHL or PostDenmark. All goods are supplied while stocks last. has an intelligent inventory management, so that goods are only displayed on the Web site if they are in stock. When ordering both inventory items and goods that is listed as backorder products reserves the right to either send the order partially or when backorder goods arrives from the manufacturer.


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